Divine Bondage; Spiritual Slavery & Slave Labor

This is page 2 of 22 of an article series that:
"Catalogues the Deceptions, Lies, Suppressions & Injustices the Diabolical Policies & resulting Horrors & Atrocities of; 'The Usual 'Light' Suspects'; The Spiritual Hierarchy, Ascended Masters, 'Elohim' and assorted sidekicks. For the Spiritually Advanced wanting Initiation into Ancient Truths, Hidden Light Secrets & Higher Divine Activations. WARNING; For the Spiritually Ready ONLY . . . are you READY?"

Table of Contents


Do you agree with Slave Labour or Spiritual Bondage? Is the work your employees do SO BAD that they and you have to keep it hidden and secret while living in fear of being exposed? Would you threaten your employees or stop them taking better work elsewhere or even stopping them talking to others? Would YOU? This page is about how Amnesty Intermultidimensional is at this very moment taking up the case of the suppressed and down trodden spirit help workers whom are forced to keep THEMSELVES and what they are doing SECRET because it’s all just too embarrassing for their employers if they’re discovered. So, DON’T delay, call ‘AI’ NOW and give your support to all the spirit workers putting up with suppressive and deplorable working conditions on all spiritual levels everywhere. For full details of the deplorable employment practices of the Spiritual Hierarchy with regards ‘spirit help’ then please read this page . . .

Just how do the Spiritual Hierarchy and the spiritual bureaucrats treat all those they have working for them in ‘spirit’? Particularly those whom are employed to help us here? What rights do these people have? How are they treated . . . are they treated with respect, love, openness, with their freewill choice respected? Is this how you’d imagine they’d be treated?

Well, this page describes my experience of Spiritual Hierarchy workers choosing to exercise their freewill and bizarrely leave their ‘light’ job to come and work with us to then find that the Spiritual Hierarchy threatened and did everything they could to stop them from doing this. This was not really a surprise to me at all because threatening, bullying and suppressing people seems to be what the Spiritual Hierarchy excel in more than anything else. So, this is about the spiritual hierarchy keeping spirit workers in bondage and enslaved to their hidden agenda and prevented from making their own true choices.

Divine Masters of Spiritual Slavery & Bondage

This employee redistribution event happened during the time when we started to reveal and expose the Useless Help and what they were doing (described in another article series Story of how well Hidden Spirit HELP were Found). In effect because it did actually REALLY sink in with some of those beings/people that we are SUCCESSFULLY and EASILY dealing with horrible negative issues that they’d ALWAYS been covering up then some of these beings on becoming aware of this actually resigned from their ‘jobs’ so they could join what we were doing.

Confrontation of Spirit Helpers; Freewill Violations All the TIME

As, I repeatedly mention elsewhere we do RECORD EVERYTHING we deal with and research . . . so a few weeks down the line it came to my attention that the pitiful small percentage of these beings actually electing to do something better had actually stopped.

Investigations revealed that all of these Spirit ‘helping’ people had been threatened by the Spiritual Hierarchy with all sorts of nasty outcomes if they chose to come work with us. They were not allowed to leave.

Wwwoooow . . .

You can see why I mention elsewhere here that I quite often have to resort to apoplectic shouting with regards useless and stupid Spiritual Hierarchy officials, Ascended Masters, Elohim Bureaucraps (and others).

Spirit Helpers treated as Virtual Slaves in Spiritual Bondage

Which I did in this case too . . . I went and had a good apoplectic shout telling them exactly how useless they were and demanding to know how their attitude fitted in with their freewill constitution never mind basic ‘rights’ . . . as a result the old trickle of abdicating help started trickling our way again which in real terms was about 1 in 100,000 at that time.

Is this what you’d expect of so called Divine Masters? Holding people in servitude, treating them as virtual slaves in bondage forever?

So, that’s one in every 100,000 that have the courage and or gumption and risk threats (or maybe worse) to step away from an unjust and debilitating status quo that has them working in ways that cause THEM and US and in FACT EVERYONE more cascading issues, debilitations and limitations to accumulate ALL THE TIME . . . to do something that actually DOES THE OPPOSITE.

A Spiritual Hierarchy enforced Spiritual Servitude

Here you have the Spiritual Hierarchy people whom are ‘presenting themselves’ as promoting and supporting love, freewill, awareness, cooperation, empowerment, equality and so on and so on.

Whom are then confronted with people ABLE to not only expose and dispose of all the hidden covering up subtle energetic fantasy healing solutions that they are responsible for but whom can also deal with the issues hidden behind these cover ups that were responsible for the need to apply ‘said’ fantasy healing solutions in the first place . . .

>> EASILY <<

You’d imagine that such loving, cooperative, spiritual master type people would welcome such a revelation and not only embrace it but support it too, but sadly not only are they belligerent to this BUT make a point of stopping anyone whom wants to discontinue maintaining the limiting permanently applied solutions that they keep hidden from making a choice to work with something that does WORK . . .

What choice do YOU have to make a true ‘unmanaged’ choice?

How much are you reading this ALSO held in Spiritual Bondage?

How much are you a spiritual slave to a diabolically dark ‘light’ agenda

What choice do you reading this ‘really’ have?

Are you one of the 1 in the 100,000 whom can take in information and make an informed choice OooRrrrr are you one of the 99,999 out of 100,000 who are going to continue running around in the same old hamster wheel . . . ?

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