Spiritual, Therapy & Healing Modality Contributions to False, Inauthentic Selves

This is the Introduction and Contents page of a 12 page article series on:
"How Spiritual, Healing & Therapy Modalities Contribute to False, Fake & Inauthentic Selves. How Persistent Healing Failure can lead to Deeper Investigations & Understandings of Subtle Healing Realities & Issue Causes. Did 'Subtle Wars & Conflicts' Lead to more 'Sophisticated' Healing Solutions?"

Are you living your true ‘authentic’ self?

Are you fully and completely and ‘REALLY’ authentically representing yourself?

Are you SURE?

Have you ever worked with some therapy or healing or spiritual approach to resolve some issues or to adjust yourself out of some ‘negativity’ or trauma or to put yourself into ‘balance’ or to make yourself more ‘positive’ or even ‘Spiritual’?

Have YOU?

AND in taking these ‘positive’ steps to help yourself move into a better space do you imagine that you are now more ‘yourself’?


If you do then I’d have to advise you to not read the following pages . . .

I know that some of you might find it hard to imagine but it’s likely that you’ll find them even more upsetting than what I usually write here.

YES – Really!!!

We’ve recently had a ‘fun packed’ series . . . and then an ‘exciting and action filled’ set . . . and this one is ‘dangerous and deadly’ . . .

. . . well . . . I’d not like anyone to worry about there not being enough variety here . . .

If you read these pages regularly then you might have caught on that I’d prefer to ‘know’ what actually really IS even if it’s grotesquely horrific and terrifying rather than spending my time ‘positively’ but slowly sinking into a dark pit of ignorance and delusion . . . but hey . . . that’s just me . . .

So, are you ready to crawl though the ‘dangerous and deadly’ therapy, healing and spiritual undergrowth . . . while watching out for the divine light mines, the angel ascension pits and the zero point healing entrapment zones?

Remember . . . STAY ALERT . . .

. . . else you might never find your way back to yourself . . .

Only kidding . . . haAHahaha . . .

It’s actually WAYYYY worse than that . . . it’s way worse because you might just find out which ‘divine light mines’ you’ve already stepped on and which ‘angel ascension pits and zero point healing entrapment zones’ you’ve been stuck in for a while . . .

So, . . . are you ‘really’ ready for the first page? . . .

YES!?# . . . OK, but, FIRST . . . don’t forget that important final check to make sure your tin foil hat fully covers all the most important bits? . . .

CHECK!!!! . . . are you Ready NOW? . . . OK . . . OK . . .

. . . . GO FOR IT . . . . . . .

YEEEE HAAAAAaaaaa . . . .


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