How (without your permission) Subtle Etheric Implants can have you Processing OTHERS Negativity

This is page 17 of 26 of an article series covering:
"Soul Fragments, Missing & Lost Soul Pieces. Examples; Stolen, Unwanted, Donated, Used in Spells & Vows, for Voodoo, + to Help others +more. Energy Body Depletion Causes, SF Recovery Advice, Difficulties Discussed of; Finding, Cleansing & Integrating these."

Table of Contents

When I first started to train in healing modalities and was interacting regularly with healer, therapists and other practitioner types on a regular basis I was told a few times that I was processing ‘negativity’ for other’s . . . although I thought this was bizarre particularly as I was at that time BURIED under my own difficult emotional healing issues it still felt right to me . . . and it was right.

I could not however get my head around how I’d be doing this because yes although I’m the overly caring type I did NOT actually have any intention to process other’s ‘negativity’ so I was a bit confused as to how this was the case never mind as to HOW I would be doing this.

Processing other’s Negativity Automatically? WITHOUT BEING ASKED? How is this done?

I was also a little taken back because processing negativity on behalf of someone else seemed to be taken as something quite ‘normal’ sort of mentioned as a ‘matter of fact’ in a way. While I was thinking . . . well . . . ?!”?£!! . . . how is this being done . . . never mind WHY? . . . and it wasn’t until about 12 years later that I found out exactly how it was being done.

Many healers, therapists, alternate practitioners, nurses and many other’s are fitted with subtle energy technologies that act on the people they are facilitating, helping or working with (or are even in close proximity) to scan these other’s energy fields, to TAKE IN OTHER’S NEGATIVITY and ENERGETIC CRAP and to cleanse and process this . . . so, this technology is bolted onto your energy field and quietly does it’s thing . . with these you don’t need to invoke anything as these technologies quietly and automatically do what they do without your intervention and get on with it ALL THE TIME . . .

In some instances these technologies will be working on people that you pass in the street or are standing next to at the bus stop . . . as these technologies are built into your energy field then as part of their operation they bring inside of YOURSELF other people’s negativity for processing AND as a result they are responsible for many people gradually accumulating other people’s dispersed soul fragments within their own energy body . . . ALL THE TIME . . .

Did you know that negativity processing energetic implants surgically embedded into your energy body are quite common. As these are responsible for contributing substantially to people actually accumulating bits of other people’s dispersed energy fields inside of their own then I’m going to use this page to present information about these areas in detail.

How many Different Types of Balancing & Negativity Processing Etheric Implants Are there?

In terms of negativity processing technologies of this type I’ve identified three distinct models so far . . .

  1. Processes negativity on behalf of other’s that you are ‘facilitating’ or ‘helping’ (most healer types have these).
  2. This processing technology somehow manages to connect to and processes negativity and trauma and so on from other’s AT A DISTANCE whom are involved in some larger scale disaster or trauma.
  3. Another version of this type of technology automatically cleanses and processes your own energy body and energy field negativity . . . YeaHHHHA.

Of my clients whom are ALL a caring lot, then the following holds;

So, not one client is without one of these . . . so, lets just say that amongst healers, helpers, carer’s and therapist types NOT having at least one of these types of subtle energy technologies embedded into your energy field is quite unusual . . . the average WILL be two types . . . I’ve got number 1 and 3 from the above list . . . well I had . . . I got rid of these when I found out the ‘disadvantages’ . . . just some of which I’ll run you through below . . .

Subtle Cleansing Etheric Implants Accumulate OTHER’S Soul Fragments in Caring people . . .

Dispersed Soul Fragments are considered rare while the REALITY is that courtesy of various and many balancing and cleansing practices we are creating and accumulating obscene numbers of these AND we can and often ARE creating some of these EVERY DAY . . .

While the above mentioned technologies are working on OTHER’S energy fields and removing the bits that they identify as responsible for the negativity or imbalances or trauma or ‘whatever’ . . . these are then drawn into YOURSELF, taken in through your energy field and attempts are made to deal with them . . .

Subtle Energy Processing Technologies and Etheric Implants ARE Common

So, MOST with these technologies (1 and 2 on the list above) will be taking in and it seems are ACCUMULATING within yourself bits of other people’s energy fields as part of the processing . . . with whatever symptoms and effects these people are suffering from . . . which might to be honest go some way to explain why there is a significant number of dedicated helping and caring types gradually sinking under debilitating effects and symptoms that will be being contributed to by what I describe here . . .

1 Energy Field Bits are Considered Responsible for Negativity

I’m also going to take this opportunity to point out a couple of things. The above technology that I describe will be another variation of all the balancing technology that turns up when you meditate and so on. This technology scans your energy field and tries to detect which parts hold the most concentrated sources of negativity and trauma which they then focus on extracting or separating out from your energy body. Now, as most ‘negativity’ seems to actually be PART of your energy field rather than their being something independent of it THIS IS WHY bits of your energy field end up being removed and dispersed REGULARLY . . . because these technologies beyond a certain point cannot detect anything BUT your energy field that seems to be responsible for the debilitating negative symptoms and effects you are in.

2 Negativity and imbalances are increasing

We as a race are actually becoming more and more negative and imbalanced over large spans of time NOT LESS . . . as we ARE getting more and more negativity and imbalances arising WITHIN our energy fields then this technology is having to work harder and harder to do what it does to deal with this AND as a result we have been steadily losing more and more bits of our energy field because of such technology . . . that’s the sad FACT.

The Illusion of Balance and Positivity

Let’s recap . . . I’m writing here about us having subtle energy implants working automatically ALL THE TIME to identify and cleanse from us ANYTHING that they detect TO KEEP US RIGHT, POSITIVE and BALANCED . . .

So what or whom are you using as a base line to measure an assumed ‘natural’ balance? . . . . MMMmmm. Would you be taking an obviously ‘balanced’ so called ‘spiritual’ person as your base line? Would that spiritual person be the sort that has this type of automated negativity removal and rebalancing technology working 24 hours a day to keep them in their ‘outwardly’ balanced state. Would that be the same ‘spiritual’ person whom is having this energetic crap carted off and disposed of at a great distance, maybe even in YOUR energetic back yard? Would that be the same ‘spiritual’ person whom requires having their energy field TOPPED UP automatically TOO? More and more frequently . . . in a desperate attempt to try and combat a steadily worsening depleted energy field?

If you don’t know what the base line of a normal or natural balance is (which you DON’T) AND you don’t take into account these types of technology working in the background AND you’re one of these positively aligned types and hence has gifted yourself with a severely limited ability to make a realistic assessment of . . . well anything . . . actually . . . then where does that leave you?

If your life is pretty good, if you’ve experienced few or no traumas or have not experienced much if any long term adversity then your level of balance with these types of technology working away in the background will be VERY GOOD. BUT, with someone with regular life challenges, difficult traumas not to mention any on going long term adversity then these technologies will reach a point of not being able to cope, never mind they will be losing more of their energy field faster . . .

The Positive Over Compensating Factor

There are plenty of variations well beyond the basic technologies and implants that I describe here. Unfortunately with this FORCED orientation to the positive then it turns out that some ‘healing’ and ‘spiritual’ groups and paths have been trying to out do each other with their abilities to keep their people in ‘Balance’ never mind with respect to the ‘Feel Good, I’m REALLY Positive’ factors too.

This is Imbalancing me . . . get me out of here PRONTO . .

It’s seems like many just cannot cope with a ‘normal’ balance. A ‘normal’ or let’s say more natural ‘balance’ actually allows for a movement between balance and imbalance because under normal circumstances life presents you with ‘new’ and sometimes even disturbing things (like what is presented on this page for example) a ‘normal’ balance would probably have some of you quite ‘taken back’ by what is presented here (to say the least) AND as you took this in and ‘digested’ what I write you might actually be allowed to FEEL the coherence and consistency of what is presented . . . unfortunately however the reality is that many people’s ‘balancing’ technologies have ‘balance’ so stringently defined that this technology would have you heading AWAY from anything even temporarily unbalancing . . . in other words you’re even PREVENTED FROM THINKING about things that some pre programmed implant has defined as not very good for a “healthy” balance never mind of what such implants would have you avoid in case this made you negative.

So, it is a FACT that for some of you your choices and your abilities to openly think about certain things never mind evaluate the same under ‘imbalancing circumstances’ are actually being determined for you . . .

Normal Feelings are no longer GOOD ENOUGH either?

Some spiritual, healing and therapeutic technologies also take people out of the other side in terms of ‘nice’ never mind so called ‘spiritual’ feelings as part of their ‘service’ to you. There are quite a few whom are actually being kept permanently in some ‘nice’ feeling state . . .

These feelings are NOT natural they are artificial and prosthetic while I’m sure people with these would not even think twice about this even as a possibility, never mind in reading this presented here they probably STILL won’t want to think about this as a possibility never mind even contemplating the possibility of removing said technology to find out what their REAL feeling state without these prosthetics would ACTUALLY be. For an example of someone whom DID have the courage to do this then read HERE.

So below, As ABOVE . . . .

There are in some quarters ‘suggestions’ that big druggie companies are controlling ‘health options’ and through their connections and the ancient art of persuasion are undermining the alternate, ‘aware’, spiritual, natural products and subtle energy approaches . . . while making sure that their ‘offerings’ which often seem to require more and more of the same to address more and more cascading symptoms and side effects are actually the ones used on mass . . . let’s see then, we are virtually all fitted with balancing technologies that have us losing bits of ourselves ALL THE TIME, that end up with us accumulating more and more negativity around ourselves such that we then require other means to cleanse and push these away . . . never mind as time goes we rely on other technology to energetically top us up as our energy field gets more and more depleted never mind that some ‘spiritual’ types have to be kept dowsed in the equivalent of energetic Prozac and so can be fooled into thinking they are feeling nice ALL THE TIME . . . while often being persuaded to use more and more ‘protection’ so they surround themselves with energetic filtering barriers that make us less and less aware . . . while having subtle energy technologies ALSO preventing you from taking in UPSETTING things in the guise of being ‘positive’!!!! . . . might not there be some ‘correlations’ here? . . . Noooo? . . . well it must just be the product of an over active imagination then? . . . as opposed to what I had to actually BECOME AWARE OF to resolve MOST of my own debilitating healing issues PROPERLY . . . who do you think are manufacturing these subtle energy implants within our ‘spiritual’ and ‘energetic’ realities and having them used as widely and as aggressively as say; vacines? Any Ideas?

Gosh . . . and there you were thinking that such ‘conspiracies’ were only present in this ‘earth’ space . . .

If you want deeper and broader information on all sorts of implants and what else they might be doing on your behalf then there is a whole series of pages starting HERE.

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